The persistent struggle of a mother of an autistic child to create a better life. A severe and atmospherically-dense debut film from Georgia.
In a hotel in Sarajevo a celebration is held to commemorate peace. However, behind the glamorous facade ominous signs anticipate a storm. Danis Tanović’s latest stirring masterpiece!
A brutally creative story about three men in wheelchairs. Kills on Wheels entertains with an exciting mix of comedy, action and heartfelt themes.
Are social rules carved in stone, or not? Adrian Sitaru’s new stroke of genius tackles the taboos of abortion and incest.
A lawyer becomes the victim of a cruel act of violence. His wife, however, is worried about his reputation. An ice-cold, real-time thriller.
Two teenagers kidnap a three-year-old boy out of boredom. An authentic and highly-acclaimed film about the phenomenon of extreme childhood violence.
Wilson, an immigrant from Africa, is on a quest to become a model Hungarian citizen. But this is far from easy – mostly because of love.
A touching film about the slow and painful development of a close friendship between four entirely different neighbours.
Daryna works in Italy. Her family is still in Ukraine. And she herself is torn between her two lives. A complex drama about work-related migration.
A Russian teenager terrorises his environment with his strong belief in Christian fundamentalism. A relentless drama but also a black satire.
Train driver Ilija barely saves a child’s life that wandered on the tracks. A charming comedy with a large helping of Miloš Radović’s black humour.
The winner of the Feature Film Competition will be presented at this screening.