In this futuristic romance two artists, based on real-life artists Zuzanna Bartoszek and Wojtek Bąkowski, create an almost virtual world where everything can be designed and controlled – apart from their own feelings. It is a musical love story that portrays their relationship: Zuzanna is an experimental poet on the verge of a breakthrough, Wojtek is a well-established artist and musician. They are two outsiders – completely individual, but still very much alike. Despite their deep affection for each other they become creative rivals. Director Łukasz Ronduda, who works as a curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and is concerned with the intersection of cinema and modern art, investigates the narcissism of Poland’s artistic Bohème in the era of social media and growing consumerism. Do these two people really love each other or are they only fascinated by their own reflection? With A Heart of Love the filmmaker continues his series of filmic exhibitions, which began with Performer in 2015. His new film is filled with contemporary music, poetry and art and takes a look at the exotic and creative subculture of two individualists in a modern European metropolis where the love for the big city is mixed with art.
Serce miłości
Łukasz Ronduda
Robert Bolesto
Justyna Wasilewska, Jacek Poniedziałek, Magdalena Cielecka
Feature film
Polish Weekend
Polish with Engl. sub.
78 min.
Visit Films