Lecturer: Stefan Laudyn is known as the long-term director of the International Film Festival in Warsaw, one of the only 15 internationally accredited competitive film festivals (A-list film festivals) worldwide. He started his career as a concert promoter. Later, he was Polish representative of the US-American Warner Bros. Studios. Laudyn is also an internationally acclaimed author, having worked in many different media branches. Moreover, he acts as a consultant at several other festivals and often engages in the international marketing of Polish films.
Content: The relationship between filmmakers and film festivals is versatile. Stefan Laudyn, drawing from personal experience, knows the worries and concerns harboured by both sides. In this Master Class, among many other things, he is going to reveal what big film festivals are expecting from filmmakers and what is the best way to proceed to receive the chance to present one’s work at a leading festival.
Admission: The regular admission to the LET’S CEE Master Classes is 35 Euro; students and holders of respective cards (Cineplexx Bonus Card, EYCA, oetCard, ÖAMTC and Wien Energie Fernwärme Servicecard) and of festival passes as well as accredited press and industry representatives pay only 25 Euro (pre-sale: 30/20 Euro). For more details and registration, please contact us at education1@letsceefilmfestival.com. All Master Classes are held in English and and last between 90 and 150 minutes.
Master Classes
Thursday 23.03.
18:00 Raiffeisen Hall (Am Stadtpark 9)