Lecturer: Elliot Grove was born in Canada and lives in London. He founded the Raindance Film Festival in 1993, the well-known British Independent Film Awards in 1998 and Raindance TV in 2007. Apart from that, he has produced over 700 short films and five feature films, written eight scripts and three non-fiction books, all considered to be standard literature. Grove has been teaching scriptwriting and film production for years. Among the participants of his workshops are thousands of young filmmakers, but even international top directors such as Christopher Nolan, Guy Ritchie and Matthew Vaughn have taken part in it.
Content: Over 10.000 filmmakers have already participated in this course. For LET’S CEE, Elliot Grove has compressed and updated his bestseller, which is often presented within the scope of a one- or two-day event, and brings it to Vienna. How do you write a thrilling script and remarkable dialogues? How do you develop memorable characters, how to build suspense? What are the tricks of the trade? How do you sell a script correctly and convince producers to read it? A star of the industry is going to reveal all this and much more in his highly informative and entertaining Master Class.
Admission: The regular admission to the LET’S CEE Master Classes is 35 Euro; students and holders of respective cards (Cineplexx Bonus Card, EYCA, oetCard, ÖAMTC and Wien Energie Fernwärme Servicecard) and of festival passes as well as accredited press and industry representatives pay only 25 Euro (pre-sale: 30/20 Euro). For more details and registration, please contact us at education1@letsceefilmfestival.com. All Master Classes are held in English and and last between 90 and 150 minutes.
Master Classes
Great Britain, Canada
Saturday 25.03.
11:00 Raiffeisen Hall (Am Stadtpark 9)