The passionate singer Maroc Orange dreams of a better life in liberty and prosperity. As an illegal boat refugee he attempts to escape from the dreariness of his home country and is washed ashore in wind and storm in a foreign country. However, the fresh start in his new homeland does not meet his expectations at all. Maroc soon finds himself in the clutches of a rich and greedy ketchup manufacturer, who puts him to work as a slave on his tomato plantation. Lisa Limone, who is also very gifted in music, is the daughter of this ruthless businessman. She, too, dreams about a different kind of life – with lots of love and happiness, however. Lisa passionately collects singing seashells, and one of these seashells, which sings only sad songs, takes her to her father's plantation where she meets Maroc Orange and falls in love with him. She helps him escape and becomes witness to an uprising of her father's entirely disenfranchised workers, who are finally starting to fight back.
The children's film Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange tells not only a touching love story in quick motion using suspense-packed visual means (animation, stop motion and 3D), but also deals with very grown-up topics, such as immigration issues, inhumane labour conditions and social order.
Director Lisa Limone and Maroc the Orange
Lisa Limone ja Maroc Orange: Tormakas armulugu
Mait Laas
Kati Kovács, Peep Pedmanson
Iris Vesik, Omar Nõmm, Peeter Volkonski , Mihkel Mäekalle, Risto Joost
Young Generation
Estonia 2013
English, Italian, French, Estonian with Engl. ST
72 min